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Version: 1.7.0

LIGO views

Defining On-Chain Views

On-chain views can be defined using the @view attribute. For more information see here.

type storage = string
type ret = [list<operation>, storage];
const main = (word : string, store : storage) : ret
=> [[] , store + " " + word]
/* view 'view1', simply returns the storage */
const view1 = (_arg : unit, s : storage) : storage
=> s;
/* view 'v2', returns true if the storage has a given length */
const v2 = (expected_length : nat , s : storage) : bool
=> (String.length (s) == expected_length);
/* view 'view3' does not use its parameters and returns a constant int */
const view3 = (_arg : unit , _s : storage) : int
=> 42;

Calling On-Chain Views

let call_view : string => 'arg => address => option <'ret>

The primitive Tezos.call_view will allow you to call another contract view and get its result by providing the view name; the contract address and the parameter of the view. If the address is nonexistent; the name does not match of of the contract view or the parameter type do not match, Tezos.call_view will return None.

Defining Off-Chain Views

In addition to on-chain views, LIGO views can be compiled and used as off-chain views (e.g. to be placed in metadata).

To compile an expression as a off-chain view, we can use the LIGO sub-command compile expression, passing the --function-body flag. Moreover, the --init-file argument can be passed to re-use expressions from a file.

For example, if we have the following off_chain file containing a contract C:

namespace C {
type storage = string
const append = (a: string, s: storage) : [list<operation> , storage] => [[], s + a];
const clear = (_p: unit, _s: storage) : [list<operation>, storage] => [[], ""];
export const v = (expected_length: nat, s: storage) : bool => (String.length (s) == expected_length);

We can compile function v from contract C as an off-chain view as follows:


❯ ligo compile expression jsligo "C.v" --init-file off_chain.jsligo --function-body



Notice that v is not a contract entry of C (no @entry) nor a on-chain view (no @view), it is just a function declared in the context of the contract, which can be used as an off-chain view.