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Version: 1.9.2


General Iteration

JsLIGO currently supports iteration through while-loops, for-loops, and through the use of tail recursive functions.

Here is how to check if a string is a palindrome or not using a for loop:

const getChar = (s: string, idx: nat): string => String.sub(idx, 1n, s);
function isPalindrome (s: string): bool {
let p = "";
let length = String.length(s);
for (let i = length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
p += getChar(s, abs(i));
return p == s;

Here is how to compute the greatest common divisors of two natural numbers by means of Euclid's algorithm with using a while loop:

function gcd (a: nat, b: nat) {
let [x,y] = [a,b]; // we will modify x and y
if (x < y) {
const z = x;
x = y; y = z;
let r: nat = 0n
while (y != 0n) {
r = x % y;
x = y;
y = r;
return x;

And here is how to compute the greatest common divisors of two natural numbers by means of Euclid's algorithm using tail recursion:

function iter (x: nat,y: nat): nat {
if (y == 0n) return x else return iter (y, x % y)
function gcd2 (x: nat,y: nat) : nat {
if (x < y) return iter (y, x) else return iter (x, y)

You can call the function gcd defined above using the LIGO compiler like so:

ligo run evaluate-expr \
gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/loops/gcd.jsligo \
'gcd(2n*2n*3n*11n, 2n*2n*2n*3n*3n*5n*7n)'
# Outputs: +12

and can call the function gcd2 defined above using the LIGO compiler like so:

ligo run evaluate-expr \
gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/loops/gcd.jsligo \
'gcd2(2n*2n*3n*11n, 2n*2n*2n*3n*3n*5n*7n)'
# Outputs: +12

Note: Currently JsLIGO does not support the key words break & continue in the context of loops.

for-of Loops

JsLIGO "for-of" loops can iterate through the contents of a collection, that is, a list, a set or a map. This is done with a loop of the form for (const <element var> of <collection var>) <block>.

Here is an example where the integers in a list are summed up.

function sum_list (l : list<int>) {
let total = 0;
for (const i of l) total = total + i;
return total;

You can call the function sum_list defined above using the LIGO compiler like so:

ligo run evaluate-expr \
gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/loops/collection.jsligo \
# Outputs: 6

Here is an example where the integers in a set are summed up.

function sum_set (s : set<int>) {
let total : int = 0;
for (const i of s) total = total + i;
return total;

You can call the function sum_set defined above using the LIGO compiler like so:

ligo run evaluate-expr \
gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/loops/collection.jsligo \
# Outputs: 6

Loops over maps are actually loops over the bindings of the map. Given a map from strings to integers, here is how to sum all the integers and concatenate all the strings.

function sum_map (m: map<string, int>) {
let string_total = ""
let int_total = 0
for (const item of m) {
let [key, value] = item;
string_total = string_total + key;
int_total = int_total + value
return [string_total, int_total]

You can call the function sum_map defined above using the LIGO compiler like so:

ligo run evaluate-expr \
gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/loops/collection.jsligo \
'sum_map(Map.literal([ ["1", 1], ["2", 2], ["3", 3] ]))'
# Outputs: ( "123", 6 )