The decorator @dyn_entry
on a function indicates that said
function should be made available as a dynamic entrypoint of the
smart contract.
For more information about dynamic entrypoints, see Dynamic entrypoints.
Dynamic entrypoints can be removed or updated without deploying a new
contract, unlike entrypoints decorated with @entry
, which cannot be
modified after the contract is originated. Dynamic entrypoints can be
used for example to implement a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous
Organization) with a built-in update mechanism that allows
participants to vote on upgrades to the contract, in a manner somewhat
akin to the amending process of the Tezos protocol itself.
type storage = {
storage: int;
const one = (_u: unit, _i: int): [list<operation>, int] =>
[[], 1];
const tick = (_: ticket<int>, x: [int, int])
: [list<operation>, [int, int]] =>
[[], x];