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Contract addresses

In most cases, contracts have addresses that start with KT1. However, they can also be tied to an implicit account and have an address that starts with kt1, kt2 or kt3, depending on the hashing function.

For information about the type that represents contracts in code, see Contracts.


The call Tezos.self(entrypoint) is the address of the current smart contract, that is, the smart contract containing the call. For the address of the smart contract actually executing the call, because it is embedded in a lambda sent to another smart contract, use Tezos.get_self_address instead. The string entrypoint is the name of a valid entrypoint such that entrypoint is not "%default", or the empty string denoting the "%default" entrypoint (which is the root of the smart contract parameter if no "%default" entrypoint is explicitly defined). If the contract does not have the specified entrypoint, the call results in an type checking error.

Naming convention: if you are using entrypoints, use "%bar" to denote the constructor "Bar" of the parameter, in turn corresponding to the entrypoint function bar. If you are not using entrypoints: use "%default".

let check = () => Tezos.self("%default");


Often you want to get the address of the contract being executed. You can do it with Tezos.get_self_address. When used inside a lambda, that function returns the address of the contract executing the lambda, which can be different from the address of the contract in which the call is written.

const current_addr : address = Tezos.get_self_address();


The sender is the address of the contract (that is, a smart contract or an implicit account) that initiated the current internal transaction. Note that, if transactions have been chained, that address could be different from the source.

const sender: address = Tezos.get_sender();


The source is the address of the implicit account that initiated the current transaction. If transactions have been chained, that address is different from the sender.

const source: address = Tezos.get_source();