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Version: 1.9.2




The type tx_rollup_l2_address has been disabled (see the changelog for the Mumbai protocol).

New operators

Bitwise operators of bytes

Bitwise operations are now supported on bytes

const test_bytes_bitwise_module = (() => {
const b_and = Bitwise.and (0x0005, 0x0106 );
const b_or = Bitwise.or (0x0005, 0x0106 );
const b_xor = Bitwise.xor (0x0005, 0x0106 );
const b_shift_left = Bitwise.shift_left (0x06 , 8 as nat);
const b_shift_right = Bitwise.shift_right (0x0006, 1 as nat);
assert (b_and == 0x0004 &&
b_or == 0x0107 &&
b_xor == 0x0103 &&
b_shift_left == 0x0600 &&
b_shift_right == 0x0003 )})()

Conversion between bytes-int & bytes-nat

We can now convert between bytes-int & bytes-nat using the functions

  • int (Convert bytes to int)
  • nat (Convert bytes to nat)
  • bytes (Convert bytes to either int or nat)
/* bytes -> nat */
const test_bytes_nat = nat(0x1234) // (1234 as nat)
/* nat -> bytes */
const test_nat_bytes = bytes(4660 as nat) // 0x1234
/* bytes -> int */
const test_bytes_int = int(0x1234) // 4660
/* int -> bytes */
const test_int_bytes = bytes(4660) // 0x1234