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Version: 1.7.0


Maps are a data structure which associates values of the same type to values of the same type. The former are called key and the latter values. Together they make up a binding. An additional requirement is that the type of the keys must be comparable, in the Michelson sense.

As a consequence, the predefined type map has two parameters: the first is the type of the keys, and the second the type of the associated values.

The empty map is denoted by the predefined value Map.empty. A non-empty map can be built by using the function Map.literal which takes a list of pairs of key and values, and returns a map containing them as bindings, and only them.

type word = string;
type definition = list<string>;
type dictionary = map<word, definition>;
const empty_dict: dictionary = Map.empty;
const dictionary : dictionary =
["one", (["The number 1.", "A member of a group."] as definition)],
["two", (["The number 2."] as definition)]]);

The Map.literal predefined function builds a map from a list of key-value pairs, [<key>, <value>]. Note also the "," to separate individual map bindings. Note that "<string value>" as address means that we type-cast a string into an address.

Note: See the predefined namespace Map

Note: Map keys are internally sorted by increasing values, so the type of the keys be comparable, that is, they obey a total order (any two keys can be compared).


The predefined function Map.size returns the number of bindings (entries) in a given map.

const my_map: map<int,string> =
const size: nat = Map.size(my_map); // == 2

Note: See the predefined namespace Map


The predicate Map.mem tests for membership in a given map, given a purported key.

const my_map: map<int,string> =
const contains_2: bool = Map.mem(2, my_map); // == true

In practice, however, we would like to get the value associated to the key we searched. This is achieved by means of Map.find_opt.

const v : option<string> = Map.find_opt(2, my_map);

Notice how the value we read is an optional value: this is to force the reader to account for a missing key in the map. This requires pattern matching.

let force_access = (key, map) => {
return match(Map.find_opt (key, map)) {
when(Some(value)): value;
when(None): failwith("No value.")

In fact, the predefined function Map.find does exactly that, except that the exception raised by failwith carries the default string "MAP FIND".

Note: See the predefined namespace Map


Adding a binding to a map is done by calling the function Map.add. If the key was already present in the given map, the corresponding value is updated.

const my_map : map<int,string> = Map.literal([[1,"one"],[2,"two"]]);
const new_map = Map.add(3, "three", my_map);
const contains_3 = Map.mem(3, new_map); // == true

Note: See the predefined namespace Map


The function Map.remove creates a map containing the elements of a given map, without a given element. If the element is not already present, the new map is the same as the old one, as expected.

const my_map : map<int,string> = Map.literal([[1,"one"],[2,"two"]]);
const new_map = Map.remove(2, my_map);
const contains_3 = Map.mem(2, new_map); // == false

Note: See the predefined namespace Map


Previous sections show how to add and remove a binding from a given map. The function Map.update can do both depending whether some value is given for the new binding or not: in the former case, a new binding is added (and replaces any previous binding with the same key); in the latter case, any binding with the same key is removed and a new map is returned.

const my_map: map<int,string> = Map.literal([[1,"one"],[2,"two"]]);
const map_with_3 = Map.update (3, Some("three"), my_map);
const contains_3 = Map.mem(3, map_with_3); // == true
const map_without_2 = Map.update(2, None(), my_map);
const contains_2 = Map.mem (2, map_without_2); // == false

When we want to update a map, but also obtain the value of the updated binding, we can use Map.get_and_update.

// three == Some("three")
const [three, map_without_3] = Map.get_and_update(3, None(), map_with_3);

Note: See the predefined namespace Map


A functional iterator is a function that traverses a data structure and calls in turn a given function over the elements of that structure to compute some value. Another approach is sometimes possible: loops.

There are three kinds of functional iterations over maps: the fold, the map (not to be confused with the map data structure) and the iteration.

Let us consider first here the fold, which is the most general form of functional iteration. The folded function takes two arguments: an accumulator and the structure element at hand, with which it then produces a new accumulator. This enables having a partial result that becomes complete when the traversal of the data structure is over.

The function Map.fold performs a fold over the binding of a map, in increasing order of its keys.

type player = string
type abscissa = int
type ordinate = int
type move = [abscissa, ordinate]
type game = map<player, move>
const horizontal_offset = (g: game): int => {
let folded = ([acc, j]: [int, [player, move]]) => acc + j[1][0];
return Map.fold(folded, g, 0);

Note: See the predefined namespace Map


We may want to change all the values of a given map by applying to them a function. This is called a map operation, not to be confused with the map data structure. The predefined functional iterator implementing the mapped operation over maps is called It takes a binding, that is, a key and its associated value in the map, and computes a new value for that key.

In the following example, from a map from integers to integers is made a map whose values are the sum of the keys and values of each binding.

const my_map : map<int,int> = Map.literal([[0,0], [1,1], [2,2]]);
// plus_one == Map.literal([[0,0],[1,2],[2,4]])
const plus_one =[k,v]) => k + v, my_map);

Note: See the predefined namespace Map


An iterated operation is a fold over the map that returns the value of type unit, that is, its only use is to produce side-effects. This can be useful if, for example, you would like to check that each value of a map is within a certain range, and fail with an error otherwise.

The predefined functional iterator implementing the iterated operation over maps is called Map.iter. It takes a binding, that is, a key and its associated value in the map, performs some side-effect and returns the unit value.

In the following example, a map is iterated to check that all its integer values are greater than 3.

const assert_all_greater_than_3 =
(m: map<int,int>) : unit => Map.iter(([_k,v]) => assert(v > 3), m);

Note: See the predefined namespace Map


One can iterate through all the bindings of a map, in increasing order of the keys, thanks to a loop of the form for (const <variable> of <map>) <block>. It means that the <block> of statements (or a single statement) will be computed once for each <variable> ranging over the bindings (as pairs of keys and values) of the map <map> in increasing order.

Here is an example where the values in a map are summed up.

function sum_val (m: map<int,int>) {
let sum = 0;
// The key is discarded.
for (const [_key, val] of m) sum = sum + val;
return sum;

Note: See the predefined namespace Map