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Version: 1.7.0


A variant type is a type that defines a type by the union of non-overlapping cases, so a value of a variant type is either this, or that or... The simplest variant type is equivalent to the enumerated types found in Java, C++, JavaScript etc.

Here is how we define a coin as being either head or tail (and nothing else):

type coin = ["Head"] | ["Tail"];
let head: coin = Head();
let tail: coin = Tail();

The names Head and Tail in the definition of the type coin are called data constructors, or variants. In this particular case, they carry no information beyond their names, so they are called constant constructors.

In general, it is interesting for variants to carry some information, and thus go beyond enumerated types. In the following, we show how to define different kinds of users of a system.

type id = nat;
type user =
["Admin", id]
| ["Manager", id]
| ["Guest"];
const bob : user = Admin(1000n);
const carl : user = Guest();

A constant constructor is equivalent to the same constructor taking an argument of type unit, so, for example, Guest() is the same value as Guest([]) or Guest(unit).


The type unit is a predefined type that contains only one value that carries no information. It is used when no relevant information is required or produced.

The unique value of type unit is [], like an empty tuple.

const x : unit = [];


The option type is a parametric, predefined variant type that is used to express whether there is a value of some type or none. This is especially useful when calling a partial function, that is, a function that is not defined for some inputs. In that case, the value of the option type would be None(), otherwise Some(v), where v is some meaningful value of any type. A typical example from arithmetics is the division:

function div (a: nat, b: nat): option<nat> {
if (b == 0n) return None() else return Some(a/b)

Note: See the predefined namespace Option

Euclidean Division

For cases when you need both the quotient and the remainder, LIGO provides the ediv operation. ediv(x,y) returns Some (quotient, remainder), unless y is zero, in which case it returns None. The function ediv is overloaded to accept all the combinations (4) of natural and integer numbers:

// All below equal Some (7,2)
const ediv1: option<[int, nat]> = ediv(37, 5);
const ediv2: option<[int, nat]> = ediv(37n, 5);
const ediv3: option<[nat, nat]> = ediv(37n, 5n);
const ediv4: option<[int, nat]> = ediv(37, 5n);

Checking positivity

You can check if a value is a natural number (nat) by using a predefined cast function which accepts an integer (int) and returns an optional natural number (nat): if the result is None, then the given integer was positive, otherwise the corresponding natural number n is given with Some(n).

const one_is_nat : option<nat> = is_nat(1);


Variant types being, in essence, the disjunctive union of cases akin to types, values of such types need to be examined case by case: this is what pattern matching does.

Here is a function that transforms a colour variant type to an integer.

type colour =
| ["RGB", [int, int, int]]
| ["Gray", int]
| ["Default"];
const int_of_colour = (c : colour) : int =>
match(c) {
when(RGB([r,g,b])): 16 + b + g * 6 + r * 36;
when(Gray(i)): 232 + i;
when(Default): 0;

Note: The when-clauses must cover all the variants of the type colour. When the constructor has no argument, which is equivalent to having a [] (unit) argument, it can be omitted, hence when(Default) instead of when(Default()).

The right-hand sides of each when-clause is an expression. Sometimes we might need statements to be processed before a value is given to the clause. In that case, the do expression comes handy. It enables the opening of a block of statements like a function body, that is, a block ended with a return statement whose argument has the value of the block, like so:

function match_with_block (x : option<int>) : int {
match(x) {
when(None): 0;
when(Some(n)): do {
let y = n + 1;
return y

Another example is matching on whether an integer is a natural number or not:

const is_it_a_nat = (i : int) =>
match (is_nat(i)) {
when(None): false;
when(Some(n)): do {ignore(n); return true; }