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Version: 1.9.2

Dynamic entrypoints

Dynamic entrypoints are lambda functions stored in a contract within a big_map. A contract can update its dynamic entrypoints without deploying a new contract. In this way, contracts can use dynamic entrypoints to change their internal logic.


Only the contract itself can call its dynamic entrypoints, not clients or other contracts. If you want a client or other contract to be able to call a dynamic entrypoint, you can create an ordinary non-dynamic entrypoint as a wrapper for the dynamic entrypoint.

A contract with dynamic entrypoints must have at least one non-dynamic entrypoint with the @entry declaration, like any other contract. They must also obey the following convention on storage type definition and have at least one function with the @dyn_entry declaration.


To contain dynamic entrypoints, the contract storage must be a record with two fields:

  • storage: The contract's storage, just like in an ordinary contract
  • dynamic_entrypoints: The code of the dynamic entrypoints, which must be of the type big_map<nat, bytes>

For convenience, the type of the dynamic_entrypoints storage field is defined as Dynamic_entrypoints.t in the standard library.

The LIGO compiler can generate the initial value of the storage for you; see Compiling dynamic entrypoints.

Defining dynamic entrypoints

To set the dynamic entrypoints that the contract has at origination time, define functions at the top level of the contract just like ordinary entrypoints but with these differences:

  • They have the @dyn_entry decorator instead of the @entry decorator
  • They must be exported with the export keyword
  • Their storage and return types are different, as explained next

Ordinary entrypoints in the contract receive a parameter and the value of the contract storage as usual, which, as described in Storage, is always a record with a storage field and a dynamic_entrypoints field. Also as usual, the ordinary entrypoints return a tuple with a list of operations and the new value of the storage, including both of these fields.

By contrast, dynamic entrypoints receive a parameter and the storage field of the contract storage, not the dynamic_entrypoints field. Similarly, they return a tuple with a list of operations and the new value of that storage field.


Smart contracts cannot add dynamic entrypoints after the contract is originated. Therefore, you must define all dynamic entrypoints in the contract source code.

For example, this contract stores an integer but none of its ordinary entrypoints change it directly. Instead, it contains dynamic entrypoints that manipulate it:

  • The double dynamic entrypoint doubles the value in storage
  • The square dynamic entrypoint squares the value in storage
  • The currentAction dynamic entrypoint initially does nothing

The contract has two ordinary entrypoints that manipulate the dynamic entrypoints:

  • The runAction entrypoint runs the currentAction dynamic entrypoint and updates the contract storage based on its result
  • The changeAction entrypoint changes the currentAction dynamic entrypoint to be a copy of either the double or the square entrypoint
namespace DynamicContract {
type internal_storage = int;
type storage_type = {
storage: internal_storage;
dynamic_entrypoints: Dynamic_entrypoints.t; // map<nat, bytes>;
type return_type = [list<operation>, storage_type];
type dyn_return_type = [list<operation>, internal_storage];
// Dynamic entrypoint: double the integer in storage
export const double = (_u: unit, s: internal_storage): dyn_return_type => [[], s + s];
// Dynamic entrypoint: square the integer in storage
export const square = (_u: unit, s: internal_storage): dyn_return_type => [[], s * s];
// Initially, this dynamic entrypoint does nothing
// But the changeAction entrypoint sets it to a different dynamic entrypoint
export const currentAction = (_u: unit, s: internal_storage): dyn_return_type => [[], s];
// Run the currentAction entrypoint
const runAction = (_u: unit, full_storage: storage_type): return_type => {
const {storage; dynamic_entrypoints} = full_storage;
return match (Dynamic_entrypoints.get(currentAction, dynamic_entrypoints)) {
when (Some(f)): do {
const [operations, newStorage] = f(unit, storage);
return [operations, ({
storage: newStorage,
dynamic_entrypoints: dynamic_entrypoints
when (None): failwith(-1);
// Change the currentAction entrypoint to double or square
const changeAction = (new_action_str: string, full_storage: storage_type): return_type => {
const {storage; dynamic_entrypoints} = full_storage;
let new_dynamic_entrypoints = dynamic_entrypoints;
if (new_action_str == "double") {
const new_action = match (Dynamic_entrypoints.get(double, dynamic_entrypoints)) {
when (Some(f)): f;
when (None): failwith(-1);
new_dynamic_entrypoints = Dynamic_entrypoints.set(currentAction, Some(new_action), dynamic_entrypoints);
if (new_action_str == "square") {
const new_action = match (Dynamic_entrypoints.get(square, dynamic_entrypoints)) {
when (Some(f)): f;
when (None): failwith(-1);
new_dynamic_entrypoints = Dynamic_entrypoints.set(currentAction, Some(new_action), dynamic_entrypoints);
return [[], {
storage: storage,
dynamic_entrypoints: new_dynamic_entrypoints,

Calling dynamic entrypoints

To call a dynamic entrypoint, use the function Dynamic_entrypoints.get to retrieve a dynamic entrypoint by name. The function returns an option that contains a function that you can call like any other function.

This section from an earlier example attempts to retrieve the dynamic entrypoint named currentAction and runs it if it is found:

return match (Dynamic_entrypoints.get(currentAction, dynamic_entrypoints)) {
when (Some(f)): do {
const [operations, newStorage] = f(unit, storage);
return [operations, ({
storage: newStorage,
dynamic_entrypoints: dynamic_entrypoints
when (None): failwith("Error");

Contracts cannot call dynamic entrypoints directly because they are stored as typed keys in the dynamic_entrypoints big map, not as functions. LIGO uses an abstract type dynamic_entrypoint<a, b> to denote such keys.

Updating dynamic entrypoints

After the contract is deployed, it can update its dynamic entrypoints by rewriting the dynamic_entrypoints field in its storage.

You can use the Dynamic_entrypoints.set function to get the updated value of this field by passing the current value, the name of a dynamic entrypoint to update, and the code of that dynamic entrypoint. This function does not directly update the contract storage; you must use its return value as the new value of the dynamic_entrypoints field in the entrypoint return value.

This section from an earlier example changes the entrypoint named currentAction to the code of the entrypoint named square:

if (new_action_str == "square") {
const new_action = match (Dynamic_entrypoints.get(square, dynamic_entrypoints)) {
when (Some(f)): f;
when (None): failwith("Error");
new_dynamic_entrypoints = Dynamic_entrypoints.set(currentAction, Some(new_action), dynamic_entrypoints);
return [[], {
storage: storage,
dynamic_entrypoints: new_dynamic_entrypoints,

You can also set a dynamic entrypoint to new code by passing bytecode to the Dynamic_entrypoints.set_bytes function. This function does not verify that the bytecode is valid, only that it is a valid LIGO bytes data type. If the encoding is wrong, any call to Dynamic_entrypoints.get for the dynamic entrypoint fails.

For example, the dynamic entrypoint double from an earlier example compiles to the bytecode 0x0502000000250320093100000019035b0765055f036d035b020000000a03210312053d036d034200000000. To set a dynamic entrypoint to this bytecode, pass the name of the entrypoint and the bytecode to the Dynamic_entrypoints.set_bytes function, as in this example:

const set_double_bytes = (_: unit, full_storage: storage_type): return_type => {
const {storage; dynamic_entrypoints} = full_storage;
const double_bytes = 0x0502000000250320093100000019035b0765055f036d035b020000000a03210312053d036d034200000000 as bytes;
const new_dynamic_entrypoints = Dynamic_entrypoints.set_bytes(currentAction, Some(double_bytes), dynamic_entrypoints);
return [[], {
storage: storage,
dynamic_entrypoints: new_dynamic_entrypoints,

Opted out dynamic entrypoints

Because a contract cannot add dynamic entrypoints, you must define all dynamic entrypoints in the contract source code. If you want to include a dynamic entrypoint in the contract but provide the code for it later, you can make the function a no-op (a function that does nothing) and change it later or you can use the special expression OPT_OUT_ENTRY. This expression makes the LIGO compiler include the entrypoint without any initial code. If you call the entrypoint in a test before setting code for it, it behaves as a no-op. If you call the entrypoint in a deployed contract before setting code for it, the operation fails.

const opt_out = (_i: int, _s : internal_storage) : dyn_return_type =>
(External `OPT_OUT_ENTRY`)

When you run a test with an opted out dynamic entrypoint like this, the compiler prints the message unsupported primitive OPT_OUT_ENTRY. You can safely ignore this message.

Compiling dynamic entrypoints

When you compile the storage for a contract with dynamic entrypoints, you provide only the value of the storage field, not the full value of the storage. The compiler automatically compiles the dynamic entrypoints and provides the full value of the storage including the dynamic_entrypoints field.

For example, to compile the example contract in Defining dynamic entrypoints, pass only the value of the integer in storage, as in this example:

ligo compile storage -m DynamicContract gitlab-pages/docs/syntax/contracts/src/dynamic-entrypoints/simple_dynamic.jsligo 42

The response is the full value of the contract storage. You can use this value as the initial storage when you originate the contract.

(Pair 42
{ Elt 0
0x0502000000250320093100000019035b0765055f036d035b020000000a03210312053d036d034200000000 ;
Elt 1
0x0502000000250320093100000019035b0765055f036d035b020000000a0321033a053d036d034200000000 })

Testing dynamic entrypoints

To simplify testing contracts with dynamic entrypoints, you can use the function Test.Next.storage_with_dynamic_entrypoints to generate the initial storage. Like the ligo compile storage command, this function takes only the value of the storage field in the contract storage, not the full storage value.

It returns the full storage value with both the storage and dynamic_entrypoints field. Then you can use this return value to originate the contract in the test.

After origination, testing a contract with dynamic entrypoints is the same as testing any other contract. You cannot call the dynamic entrypoints directly in a test because this is the same behavior that the originated contract has.

For example, this is a test for the contract in Defining dynamic entrypoints:

import Test = Test.Next;
const test_dyn = do {
// Generate storage with dynamic entrypoints
const initial_storage =, 3);
const contract = Test.Originate.contract(contract_of(DynamicContract), initial_storage, 0mutez);
const storage_before = Test.Typed_address.get_storage(contract.taddr);
Assert.assert(Test.Compare.eq(, 3));
// At the start, the runAction dynamic entrypoint does nothing
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("runAction", contract.taddr), unit, 0tez);
let storage = Test.Typed_address.get_storage(contract.taddr);
// Verify that storage did not change
Assert.assert(Test.Compare.eq(storage, storage_before));
// Set current action to double
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("changeAction", contract.taddr), "double", 0tez);
// Double storage to 6
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("runAction", contract.taddr), unit, 0tez);
storage = Test.Typed_address.get_storage(contract.taddr);
Assert.assert(Test.Compare.eq(, 6));
// Double storage to 12
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("runAction", contract.taddr), unit, 0tez);
storage = Test.Typed_address.get_storage(contract.taddr);
Assert.assert(Test.Compare.eq(, 12));
// Switch to square
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("changeAction", contract.taddr), "square", 0tez);
storage = Test.Typed_address.get_storage(contract.taddr);
Assert.assert(Test.Compare.eq(, 12));
// Square storage to 144
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("runAction", contract.taddr), unit, 0tez);
storage = Test.Typed_address.get_storage(contract.taddr);
Assert.assert(Test.Compare.eq(, 144));