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Version: 1.9.2


The final stack after a Tezos contract execution is a pair containing a new storage and a list of operations. Common types of operations that smart contracts create include:

  • Transfers (calling a smart contract or transferring tez to an account)
  • Deploying (originating) a smart contract
  • Changing the delegation for the current smart contract
  • Emitting an event

For this reason, LIGO entrypoints always return a list of operations and the new state of the contract storage. The list can include any number of operations of any type.

As described in Operations on, operations do not run immediately when the operation object is created. Instead, operations are added to a stack of operations to run after the code of the entrypoint is complete. For example, if a contract checks its balance with the Tezos.Next.get_balance function, creates an operation to transfer tez to another account, and then checks its balance again in the same entrypoint execution, the balance is the same because the transfer operation has not run yet. For more detailed examples, see Operations on

There are no literal values of type operation. Instead, such values are created using the following functions from the standard library: Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction (transfer), Tezos.Next.Operation.create_contract (origination), Tezos.Next.Operation.set_delegate (delegation), and Tezos.Next.Operation.Emit (emission of event). For the operation to run, these operation values must be included in the list of operations returned at the end of the entrypoint code.

Creating transactions

The Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction function creates a transaction operation, which can be a call to a smart contract (including the same contract) or a transfer of tez to a user account (implicit account). Its parameters are:

  • The parameter to pass
  • The amount of tez to send
  • The address to call

Sending tez

To send tez to a user account, pass unit as the parameter and the address of the account as the address to call, as in this example, which sends 5 tez to the account that calls it:

type storage = unit;
type return_value = [list<operation>, storage];
const give5tez = (_: unit, storage: storage): return_value => {
let operations: list<operation> = [];
if (Tezos.Next.get_balance() >= 5tez) {
const receiver_contract = match(Tezos.Next.get_contract_opt(Tezos.Next.get_sender())) {
when(Some(contract)): contract;
when(None): failwith("Couldn't find account");
operations = [Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction(unit, 5tez, receiver_contract)];
return [operations, storage];

Calling a contract

To call another contract, you must get the parameter to pass to the contract, which includes the entrypoint, if the contract uses them. The following example shows two contracts, A and B. B stores contract A's address and calls its entrypoints. To get the correct parameter for the transaction, contract B uses the parameter_of keyword to create a parameter that represents a call to contract A's entrypoints.

import Test = Test.Next;
type @return<storage> = [list<operation>, storage];
namespace A {
type storage = int;
const add = (delta: int, storage: storage): @return<storage> =>
[[], storage + delta];
const sub = (delta: int, storage: storage): @return<storage> =>
[[], storage - delta];
namespace B {
type storage = address;
const increment = (value: int, stored_address: storage): @return<storage> => {
const contract = Tezos.Next.get_contract(stored_address);
const parameter = Add(value) as parameter_of A;
const operation = Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction(parameter, 0tez, contract);
return [[operation], stored_address];
const decrement = (value: int, stored_address: storage): @return<storage> => {
const contract = Tezos.Next.get_contract(stored_address);
const parameter = Sub(value) as parameter_of A;
const operation = Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction(parameter, 0tez, contract);
return [[operation], stored_address];
const test = () => {
// Originate contract A
const contract_A = Test.Originate.contract(contract_of(A), 0, 0tez);
const contract_A_address = Test.Typed_address.to_address(contract_A.taddr);
// Originate contract B with the address of contract A in its storage
const contract_B = Test.Originate.contract(contract_of(B), contract_A_address, 0tez);
// Call contract B
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("increment", contract_B.taddr), 10 as int, 0tez);
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("decrement", contract_B.taddr), 2 as int, 0tez);
const newNumber = Test.Typed_address.get_storage(contract_A.taddr);
Assert.assert(newNumber == 8);
const result = test();

If you don't have the LIGO code of the contract to use the parameter_of keyword, you can often get the information to call the contract from the code of the deployed contract. For example, contract A in the previous example compiles to this Michelson code:

{ parameter (or (int %sub) (int %add)) ;
storage int ;
code { UNPAIR ; IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } ; NIL operation ; PAIR } }

Michelson contracts don't have separate code for each entrypoint; instead, they accept a parameter that indicates which code to run. In most cases, the parameter is annotated with the names of the entrypoints from the source code, whether that source code is in LIGO or another high-level Tezos language. In this case, the annotations %sub and %add indicate the parameters to pass to run the code from the sub and add entrypoints from the source code.

LIGO can use these annotations to parse the parameter and format the call to the contract. For example, this contract uses the Tezos.Next.get_entrypoint function to create a contract address that includes the parameter that indicates the entrypoint. Then it passes the parameter value for the entrypoint without the entrypoint name as the first parameter of the Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction function:

namespace C {
type storage = address;
const increment = (value: int, stored_address: storage): @return<storage> => {
const contract = Tezos.Next.get_entrypoint("%add", stored_address);
const operation = Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction(value, 0tez, contract);
return [[operation], stored_address];
const decrement = (value: int, stored_address: storage): @return<storage> => {
const contract = Tezos.Next.get_entrypoint("%sub", stored_address);
const operation = Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction(value, 0tez, contract);
return [[operation], stored_address];

If you don't have the source code or annotated parameter of the target contract, you must create the parameter as described in Interoperability.

For example, the parameter of contract A minus the annotations looks like this:

(or (int) (int))

This code means that the contract accepts the parameter (Left int) or (Right int), which correspond to the sub and add entrypoints in contract A. For example, to pass 5 to the code for the sub entrypoint, the client passes (Left 5) to the contract.

You can construct this parameter in LIGO code with the michelson_pair and michelson_or types. In this case, the parameter is a Michelson option type that takes a M_left or M_right value. For example, to create the parameter (Left 5), use this code:

type contract_a_param = michelson_or<[int, "sub", int, "add"]>;
const pass_5_to_sub: contract_a_param = M_left(5);

This example contract uses this method to construct the parameter for contract A from the Michelson value and then uses that parameter to call it:

namespace D {
type storage = address;
type contract_a_param = michelson_or<[int, "sub", int, "add"]>;
const increment = (value: int, stored_address: storage): @return<storage> => {
const pass_to_add: contract_a_param = M_right(value);
const contract = Tezos.Next.get_contract(stored_address);
const operation = Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction(pass_to_add, 0tez, contract);
return [[operation], stored_address];
const decrement = (value: int, stored_address: storage): @return<storage> => {
const pass_to_sub: contract_a_param = M_left(value);
const contract = Tezos.Next.get_contract(stored_address);
const operation = Tezos.Next.Operation.transaction(pass_to_sub, 0tez, contract);
return [[operation], stored_address];

For information about constructing more complicated parameters, see Interoperability.

Originating contracts

The Tezos.Next.Operation.create_contract function creates an operation to originate a contract. Its parameters are:

  • The code of the new contract as a function
  • The delegate for the new contract, as an option
  • The amount of tez for the contract's initial balance
  • The initial storage value for the contract

The Tezos.Next.Operation.create_contract function returns the operation and the address of the new contract. However, a contract cannot originate a contract and call it in the same entrypoint execution because the origination operation must run first, and as described previously, operations do not run until the entrypoint execution is complete. Calling the Tezos.Next.get_contract_opt function on that address returns None until the new contract is actually originated.

This example originates a simple contract:

type @return = [list<operation>, string];
const main = (_: string, storage: string) : @return => {
const entrypoint = (_param: nat, storage: string) =>
[list([]), storage];
const [op, _addr]: [operation, address] =
(None() as option<key_hash>),
return [[op], storage];

Changing delegation

The Tezos.Next.Operation.set_delegate function creates an operation that changes the delegate for the current contract. Its parameter is an option with the public key hash of the new delegate or None to withdraw delegation. The operation (not the function itself) fails if the new key hash is the same as the current delegate or is not registered as a delegate.

const changeDelegate = (new_delegate: key_hash, storage: unit): [list<operation>, unit] =>
[[Tezos.Next.Operation.set_delegate (Some(new_delegate))], storage];

Emitting events

The Tezos.Next.Operation.Emit function creates an event emission operation. Its parameters are the tag for the event and the payload for the event. For more information about events, see Events.

const emitEvents = (_: unit, storage: int): [list<operation>, int] => {
const event1: operation = Tezos.Next.Operation.emit("%emitEvents", "hi");
const event2: operation = Tezos.Next.Operation.emit("%emitEvents", 6);
return [[event1, event2], storage];