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Version: 1.9.2

Mutation testing

Mutation testing evaluates the quality of software tests. Mutation testing works by creating slightly different versions of code blocks and verifying that they do not pass the same tests that the original code passes. If the mutated versions pass the tests, the tests may not be precise enough to catch potential problems.

LIGO's testing suite provides mutation testing tools to ensure that contracts are tested in a precise, thorough way and that the tests catch changes in the contracts.

Mutation testing a simple function

For an example of mutation testing, take this simple function that accepts an integer and doubles it:

const twice = (x: int) => x + x;

To test this function, you might provide some input and output values as test cases and verify that they match:

import Test = Test.Next;
const simple_tests = (f : ((input: int) => int)) : unit => {
/* Test 1 */
Assert.assert(Test.Compare.eq(, 0), Test.Michelson.eval(0)));
/* Test 2 */
Assert.assert(Test.Compare.eq(, 2), Test.Michelson.eval(4)));
const test = simple_tests(twice);

These tests check these use cases of the twice function:

  • When run on input 0, it returns 0.
  • When run on input 2, it returns 4.

The twice function passes the tests:

ligo run test gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/twice.jsligo
# Outputs:
# Everything at the top-level was executed.
# - test exited with value ().

The implementation does what it intends to do. However, the implemented function is not the only function that passes the tests. Suppose a programmer made a mistake and wrote the implementation of multiplying the input by itself instead of adding it to itself, as in this example:

const twice = (x: int): int => x * x;

This faulty implementation passes the above tests because its output for each test case is the same as the correct implementation. That result suggests that the tests are not good enough to distinguish a good implementation from incorrect implementations.

To help you add more test cases and ensure that the tests are complete, you can use mutation testing to identify different versions of the function (known as mutations) that pass all of the tests.

The Test.Next.Mutation.func function takes a value to mutate (usually a function) and a test case function to apply to mutated versions of that value. If the test case function terminates correctly, the Test.Next.Mutation.func function stops trying mutations and returns a Some option with the mutation that passed all of the tests. If no mutation passes the test case function, the Test.Next.Mutation.func function returns None.

val Test.mutation_test : (value: 'a, tester: ('a -> 'b)) => option <['b, mutation]>

For example, this code tests mutations of the correct twice function implementation with the two test cases in the simple_tests function:

const test_mutation =
match(Test.Mutation.func(twice, simple_tests)) {
when(None()): unit;
when(Some(pmutation)): do {
Test.IO.println("Some mutation also passes the tests! ^^")

The mutation test returns information about a function that passes all of the tests, in this case the function x * x:

ligo run test gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/twice.jsligo
# Outputs:
# Mutation at: File "/Users/timothymcmackin/tezos/ligo/gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/twice.jsligo", line 1, characters 26-31:
# 1 | const twice = (x: int) => x + x;
# 2 | import Test = Test.Next;
# Replacing by: x * x.
# Some mutation also passes the tests! ^^

You can use this information to add a test case that the mutation fails, as in this example:

const simple_tests = (f : ((input: int) => int)) : unit => {
/* Test 1 */
Assert.assert (Test.Compare.eq(, 0), Test.Michelson.eval(0)));
/* Test 2 */
Assert.assert (Test.Compare.eq(, 2), Test.Michelson.eval(4)));
/* Test 3 */
Assert.assert (Test.Compare.eq(, 1), Test.Michelson.eval(2)));

The new test case verifies that when input 1 is given, output 2 is returned. Now you can run the mutation test again and see that no mutation that the test suite tried passes every test, giving extra confidence in the tests:

ligo run test gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/twice.jsligo
# Outputs:
# Everything at the top-level was executed.
# - test exited with value ().
# - test_mutation exited with value ().

Mutating a contract

Mutation testing can also help ensure that tests cover a smart contract thoroughly. For example, this contract has two entrypoints: one that adds a number to a value in storage and one that subtracts a number from a value in storage:

// This is mutation-contract.jsligo
export namespace AddSub {
export type storage = int;
const add = (delta: int, storage: storage): [list<operation>, storage] => [[], storage + delta];
const sub = (delta: int, storage: storage): [list<operation>, storage] => [[], storage - delta];

Doing mutation testing on a contract with multiple entrypoints can help find entrypoints that are not covered by the tests.

For example, this test deploys a contract and tests that the Add entrypoint works. Note that the test uses a function named tester to deploy the contract and run the tests on it:

// This is mutation-contract-test.jsligo
#import "gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/mutation-contract.jsligo" "MutationContract"
import Test = Test.Next;
type storage = int;
type param = parameter_of MutationContract.AddSub;
const initial_storage = 7;
const tester = (taddr: typed_address<param, storage>, _c: michelson_contract<param, storage> , _: int): unit => {
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("add", taddr), 7, 0tez);
Assert.assert(Test.Typed_address.get_storage(taddr) == initial_storage + 7);
const test_original = (() => {
let orig = Test.Originate.contract(contract_of(MutationContract.AddSub), initial_storage, 0tez);
return tester(orig.taddr);

This test runs mutation tests on the contract by passing mutations of it to the tester function:

const test_mutation =
match(Test.Mutation.contract(contract_of(MutationContract.AddSub), initial_storage, 0tez, tester)) {
when(None()): unit;
when(Some(pmutation)): do {
// In a real program, one would write `failwith "A mutation passes"`
// Because we want to demonstrate the issue without an actual error
// a milder println is used in this document.
Test.IO.println("A mutation of the contract still passes the tests!");

The test prints a warning about the Sub entrypoint:

ligo run test --library . gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/mutation-contract-test.jsligo
# Outputs:
# Mutation at: File "gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/mutation-contract.jsligo", line 8, characters 81-96:
# 7 | @entry
# 8 | const sub = (delta: int, storage: storage): [list<operation>, storage] => [[], storage - delta];
# 9 | }
# Replacing by: storage + delta.
# A mutation of the contract still passes the tests!

The mutation testing found that the sub function can be changed with no consequences in the test. This warning signals that the test does not cover the Sub entrypoint thoroughly enough. The following updated test adds a call to the Sub entrypoint to test it:

const tester_add_and_sub = (taddr: typed_address<param, storage>, _c: michelson_contract<param, storage>, _i: int): unit => {
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("add", taddr), 7, 0tez);
Assert.assert(Test.Typed_address.get_storage(taddr) == initial_storage + 7);
Test.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("sub", taddr), 3, 0tez);
Assert.assert(Test.Typed_address.get_storage(taddr) == initial_storage + 4);
const test_mutation_sub =
match(Test.Mutation.contract(contract_of(MutationContract.AddSub), initial_storage, 0tez, tester_add_and_sub)) {
when(None()): unit;
when(Some(pmutation)): do {
Test.IO.println("A mutation of the contract still passes the tests!");

When this test runs, it finds that no mutation of the Sub entrypoint passes all of the tests and therefore does not print a warning.

Returning multiple mutations

In the previous examples, the functions Test.Next.Mutation.func and Test.Next.Mutation.contract return an option that contains either None or Some with a single mutation that passes the tests. To speed up the process of eliminating mutations, you can use the Test.Next.Mutation.All.func and Test.Next.Mutation.All.contract functions to get every mutation that passes the tests. These functions return a list of mutations instead of an option.

This example gets every mutation that passes the tests for the twice function:

const get_all_mutations =
match(Test.Mutation.All.func(twice, simple_tests)) {
when([]): unit;
when([hd,]): do {
let mutations = list([hd,]);
Test.IO.println("Some mutations also pass the tests!");
for (const m of mutations) {
let [_, mutation] = m;

In this case, the output is the same because only one mutation passed all of the tests.

Similarly, the Test.Next.Mutation.All.contract function returns a list of all contract mutations that pass the tests. For example, this test adapts the contract test in the previous section to return every passing mutation:

const test_mutation_all =
match(Test.Mutation.All.contract(contract_of(MutationContract.AddSub), initial_storage, 0tez, tester)) {
when([]): unit;
when([hd,]): do {
let mutations = list([hd,]);
let _p = Test.IO.println("Some mutations also pass the tests!");
for (const m of mutations) {
let [_, mutation] = m;

In this case, the output shows that multiple mutations pass the tests:

Some mutations also pass the tests!
Mutation at: File "gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/mutation-contract.jsligo", line 8, characters 81-96:
7 | @entry
8 | const sub = (delta: int, storage: storage): [list<operation>, storage] => [[], storage - delta];
9 | }
Replacing by: storage / delta.
Mutation at: File "gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/mutation-contract.jsligo", line 8, characters 81-96:
7 | @entry
8 | const sub = (delta: int, storage: storage): [list<operation>, storage] => [[], storage - delta];
9 | }
Replacing by: storage * delta.
Mutation at: File "gitlab-pages/docs/testing/src/mutation-testing/mutation-contract.jsligo", line 8, characters 81-96:
7 | @entry
8 | const sub = (delta: int, storage: storage): [list<operation>, storage] => [[], storage - delta];
9 | }
Replacing by: storage + delta.

Preventing mutation

In some cases you may want to prevent mutations from changing certain parts of your code that should not change. To prevent such mutations, apply the @no_mutation decorator.

This example uses this decorator to prevent mutations from changing an invariant, in this case that zero equals zero. With this decorator, the tests will not test meaningless assertions such as that zero is less than zero or that zero equals one. It also uses this decorator to prevent mutations from changing the Sub entrypoint, which prevents the warnings from the previous sections:

// This is mutation-contract.mligo
type storage = int;
type result = [list<operation>, storage];
// Two entrypoints
const add = (delta : int, store : storage) : result => {
@no_mutation let _a = assert (0 == 0);
return [[], store + delta];
@entry @no_mutation
const sub = (delta : int, store : storage) : result => {
return [[], store - delta];