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Version: 1.9.2

Testing tickets

Testing code that uses tickets requires extra steps because of how tickets are used in Tezos operations. LIGO provides the Proxy_ticket module to help you test with tickets.

The problem with testing tickets

Tickets have specific limitations on the Tezos platform that affect how they can be used in LIGO tests. For example, tickets always have the address of the contract that created it as the ticketer field. Also, their data payload cannot be changed after the ticket is created.

As a result, you can't create a ticket in a LIGO test with Tezos.Next.Ticket.create and use it to test smart contract origination or entrypoints. If LIGO allowed you to create and use tickets in this way, you could edit the ticket or assign a ticketer that was not the contract that created it. If you try to use such a ticket in smart contract operations, the operations fail.

You also can't compile LIGO expressions that include tickets and use the compiled Michelson. If you compile an expression that includes a ticket, the value is represented in Michelson as pairs. For example, this code compiles a ticket with a binary value as its payload:

ligo compile expression jsligo 'Tezos.create_ticket(0x0202, 10n)'

The result (within an option type) is represented in pairs, showing the address of the ticketer, the payload, and the amount of the ticket:


If you pass this value for the parameter of an operation that requires a ticket, the Tezos protocol blocks the operation and does not recognize this value as a ticket because doing so could allow you edit and submit a false ticket.

LIGO testing tools to provide ways to create tickets via a proxy contract so you can use tickets in tests.

Proxy ticket contracts

The LIGO test library provides a Proxy_ticket module which helps in working with tickets in the test framework. Instead of creating tickets yourself, you use a proxy contract to create tickets and send them with operations.

The Proxy_ticket module provides these functions:

  • init_transfer: Creates a proxy contract that you can use as the source of tickets in test operations
  • transfer: Uses a proxy contract to create a ticket and send it as the parameter of a smart contract call
  • originate: Uses a proxy contract to originate a smart contract with initial storage that includes a ticket

Due to a limitation in the testing framework, you can use the proxy ticket contract only with contracts that contain a single entrypoint.

Originating contracts with tickets

To originate a contract with one or more tickets in its storage, you can use a proxy contract to generate the tickets and include them in the origination operation.

For example, this contract stores an integer and a ticket. It provides an entrypoint that reads the ticket and adds its amount to the integer in storage:

namespace MyContract {
export type storage = [int, option<ticket<bytes>>];
export type unforged_storage = [int, option<unforged_ticket<bytes>>];
const main = (_: unit, storage: storage): [list<operation>, storage] => {
const [stored_value, ticket_opt] = storage;
const new_storage: storage =
match(ticket_opt) {
// If there is a ticket, add its amount to the int in storage
when(Some(ticket)): ((ticket: ticket<bytes>) => {
const [[_address, [_payload, amount]], new_ticket] =;
return [stored_value + int(amount), Some(new_ticket)];
// If there is no ticket in storage, do nothing
when(None()): [stored_value, None()];
return [list([]), new_storage];

To originate this contract, you need a ticket for its initial storage value. To create this ticket, you use a proxy ticket contract.

To create a proxy ticket contract, create a function that returns a value of the initial storage for the contract or the parameter for the smart contract call. In this example, the function returns zero for the integer and a ticket created by the proxy. Then, the test uses the proxy contract to originate the contract to test:

const test_originate_contract = do {
// Create a function that the proxy runs to return the contract storage
const create_storage = (t: ticket<bytes>): => [0, Some (t)];
const ticket_info = [0x0202, 15n];
// Create the proxy contract and use it to originate the contract
const addr = Test.Proxy_ticket.originate (ticket_info, create_storage, MyContract.main);
// ...

To verify that the ticket is in the contract storage, you must use the Test.Proxy_ticket.get_storage function to retrieve the ticket from the contract storage. This function provides tickets as unforged tickets, which are tickets that you can read freely without destroying them and recreating them with the function. In this code, the test retrieves the ticket from the contract and verifies its contents:

// The ticket 'unforged_ticket_opt' can be manipulated freely without being destroyed
const [_stored_value, unforged_ticket_opt] = (Test.Proxy_ticket.get_storage(addr) as MyContract.unforged_storage);
// Verify that the ticket is in storage
match (unforged_ticket_opt) {
when(Some(x)): do {
Test.Next.IO.log(["unforged_ticket", x]);
const { ticketer: _, value, amount } = x;
Assert.assert(value == ticket_info[0]);
Assert.assert(amount == ticket_info[1]);
return unit
when(None()): failwith ("impossible")
// Call the entrypoint and verify that the value in storage changes
Test.Next.Contract.transfer_exn(Test.Next.Typed_address.get_entrypoint("default", addr), unit, 0tez);
const [new_stored_value, _unforged_ticket_opt] = Test.Proxy_ticket.get_storage(addr) as MyContract.unforged_storage;
Assert.assert(new_stored_value == int(ticket_info[1]));

Note that because this is a single-entrypoint contract, the LIGO compiler renames the entrypoint to default.

Calling entrypoints with tickets

To test entrypoints that accept tickets, you use a proxy contract to create the ticket and send the call to the entrypoint. The process is similar to originating a contract with a proxy: you create a function that returns the parameter for the entrypoint and create a proxy based on that function.

For example, this contract has an entrypoint that receives an integer and a ticket that contains an integer. It multiplies the integer in the first parameter with the integer in the ticket payload and with the ticket amount and adds the result to the integer in storage:

namespace MyContract {
type storage = int;
export type param = [int, ticket<int>];
function main (param: param, storage: storage): [list<operation>, storage] {
const [multiplier, ticket] = param;
// Read the ticket, destroy it, and add its amount times the multiplier to storage
const [[_address, [payload, amount]], _ticket] =;
return ([[], storage + (multiplier * payload * int(amount))]);

To test the contract, originate it as usual. Then create a function that returns the parameter for the entrypoint, create a proxy based on this function, and use the proxy to call the entrypoint:

const test_transfer_to_contract = do {
// Originate the contract as usual
let orig = Test.Next.Originate.contract(contract_of(MyContract), 0, 0tez);
let main_addr = Test.Next.Typed_address.to_address(orig.taddr);
// Create a function that the proxy runs to return the parameter
const create_param = (t: ticket<int>): MyContract.param => [5, t];
// Create the proxy contract
const proxy_taddr = Test.Proxy_ticket.init_transfer(create_param);
Test.Next.IO.log(["proxy addr:", proxy_taddr]);
// Use the proxy to call the entrypoint
const ticket_info = [3, 10n];
Test.Proxy_ticket.transfer(proxy_taddr, [ticket_info, main_addr]);
// Verify that the value in storage changes
Assert.assert(Test.Next.Typed_address.get_storage(orig.taddr) == 150);